Why Is The All-On-4 Treatment Becoming A Popular Choice?
Posted on 6/5/2023 by Evan
Missing teeth can become embarrassing and frustrating apart from the risks they pose to your mouth health-wise. Traditionally, teeth have been replaced using removable dentures, implants, and other ways. However, it becomes a little trickier when it comes to a missing set of teeth.
The All-on-4 dental implants are among the highly effective, quick, and so far, the best and lasting teeth replacement options available.
How All-on-4 Works
For a missing set of teeth, it is simply the best option. The process works by fastening four implant screws or posts directly into the jawbone. Two are vertically fastened in the front teeth and another two are fastened in the back teeth or molars at a slightly inclined position to ensure the strength and stability of the dentures. This treatment has greater advantages as compared to other kinds including:
Healthier Jawbone
Natural teeth stimulate the jawbone when eating, encouraging growth. Unlike other dentures, All-on-4 implants exert healthy pressure and stress on the underlying jawbone, thus facilitating growth.
Easy to Care For
Dentures are removed when sleeping and even when cleaning the mouth. They are even soaked in a special dental solution overnight. This can be a bit stressful, at times, because it's a routine that has to be maintained to keep them hygienically fit for the mouth. All-on-4 treatment, on the other hand, comes in a permanent form, making it easy to look after as they only require normal brushing, flossing, and the usual dental checkups.
Strong, Stable and Durable
Dentures often slip out of position in the mouth when eating and, at times, even when speaking. You surely don't want to go through such embarrassing moments. All-on-4 implants are permanently fixed into your jawbone, giving them strength, and making them stable. They are durable, giving the feeling of natural teeth and you can chew on anything even hard foods.
Contact us if you believe all-on-four implants are for you. We will do a detailed mouth and teeth assessment to see if you are a candidate. Call us for a consultation!
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