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Dental Implants Murphy, TX

A patent holding a model of dental implantsDental implants are prosthetic teeth surgically put in locations where teeth are missing. These restorations appear and perform exactly like natural teeth. You can undergo dental implants if your teeth have been damaged or no longer have any. One advantage of dental implants is that the artificial teeth are no longer susceptible to cavities. The restoration protects your bone, inhibits future degradation, and is long-lasting. You can select between detachable and fixed implants. The two kinds are endosteal and subperiosteal dental implants. Endosteal implants use your jawbone as an artificial root. On the other hand, subperiosteal implants are put on or above the jawbone and beneath the gum tissue. Our periodontal team at will review both of the techniques and assist you in selecting the one that best suits you.

Purpose of Dental Implants

Dental implants can take the place of one or more permanent teeth lost due to an accident, gum disease, tooth decay, or infection. During your initial meeting with our dentist, we may also explore other options for replacing your teeth. Dentures and bridges are examples of these options. We check whether you have enough bone and space in the location of the lost tooth for the surgery. You may experience bone loss if your tooth has been gone for a long time. In this case, before you can proceed with dental implant surgery, you must first undergo a bone graft.

Dental Implant Procedure

A dental implant technique is performed as an outpatient procedure. The implant comprises titanium and other elements that bond with your jawbone to mimic the root of a tooth. This artificial root enables the dentist to fix your replacement teeth so that they feel sturdy and integrate with your natural teeth. Getting a dental implant procedure requires you to make a series of visits. These visits include a consultation, an implant placement visit, and another one to attach the new teeth.

Moreover, after you have healed from any required tooth extractions and bone grafts, our dentist will place the implant by cutting it into the gum and then inserting it into your jawbone. The titanium post or rod is placed beneath the gumline and serves as the root. You will not be able to feel it as it heals. In most cases, the implant will need four to six months to fuse effectively, a process called osseointegration with the jawbone.

Preparation for Dental Implants

You will have an initial consultation with our dentist before the treatment. Our dentist will do a thorough examination of the mouth. The dental specialist will take x-rays and discuss your treatment alternatives with you to build a strategy for the implant operation. We will schedule the process when we have devised a plan and determined that you are in good health. If our dentist advises IV sedation for the treatment, you must arrange for someone to drive you home that day.

Dental Implant Aftercare

After surgery, pain relievers and antibiotics are commonly provided. It is also crucial to consume only soft foods and maintain good dental hygiene during healing. You must limit your alcohol and caffeine intake and stop cigarette smoking to achieve the optimum outcomes. Regular check-ups are required during the first few months after the implant process. Following surgery, you should continue to get regular dental check-ups.

The Dental Implant Timeline

If you want to get dental implants in Murphy or Wylie, Dr. Jason Larsen is here to help. Not sure what you can expect during the implant placement process? Let’s take a look at a step-by-step overview of the dental implant procedure now.

Common Signs of Dental Implant Failure

Dental implants are one of the most successful dental procedures. They have a very high success rate, are predictable, and have positive results. Yet, they are not 100% infallible, and sometimes they can fail, for several reasons.

At Parkside Dental, we can help you obtain dental implants, and we will go out of our way to ensure you are content. Contact us at 972-442-7550 to schedule an appointment with our specialists.

Parkside Dental

703 E. FM 544 Suite 100
Murphy, TX 75094

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Dental Implants Murphy TX
Restore missing teeth with dental implants in Murphy, TX. Explore our advanced implant solutions for a confident and functional smile.
Parkside Dental, 703 E FM 544 Suite 100, Murphy, TX 75094 : 972-442-7550 : : 4/29/2024 : Related Terms: dentist Murphy TX :